Past OpOrds

Hunter or Hunted

by Sgt. Sheepdog. Mission date Friday 4th October 2024, 19:00 GMT


The situation is this: we have been rushed into an African country that is, as usual, in the middle of a civil war. The Africa Union is barely holding, and in the process of retreating and evacuating civilians that want and/or can get out. We are going to conduct a snatch and grab mission.

The African Union is not happy we are here, but they are hoping that assisting us with intel, vehicles, and equipment will buy them some good will with NATO in the hopes that they will receive money, air support, and weapons to retake the territory they have lost.


Our target is known to be in the area to oversee the rebel forces final push against the African Union in this region. He is believed to be in one of the 4 occupied towns marked on the map. Our enemy is a mixture of civilian gangs, paramilitary, the usual extremists, and similar wackjobs all armed with the usual soviet bloc type weaponry.

At this time the African Union does not believe the rebel forces have anything bigger than technicals. But the forces currently in the area are believed to be only an advance force before they roll in with their heavier stuff.

More intel will be provided at briefing as it becomes available.

Not all civilians have been evacuated. Some chose to stay, others couldn’t get out before towns were taken by rebel forces or gangs.


Our mission is to locate the rebel leader, one Ali Alsalam, and capture him ALIVE. Once captured he is to be transported back to the staging area where he will be turned over to the spook squad for intense conversation. We have not been informed as to why the want this guy so bad, but we will be on the clock to get in, get him, and get out before the rebel main force arrives.

The African Union thinks capturing Mr. Alsalam will slow the attack but that is not our concern. They do request that we kill as many rebel forces as we can during the mission but the capture of the HVT is our primary mission.

The diplomats would appreciate it if we would refrain from killing civilians, so PID for weapons prior to shooting.



Expect the usual insurgent assortment of ex-Soviet and Chinese equipment. Technicals with HMGs and/or rocket pods

Mine threat/IEDs: Possible but unknown. The African Union may have left behind little surprises as they withdrew.

QRF: None, we cannot count on the African Union for back up.

TFA Equipment

Loadouts: Mixture left behind by the retreating African Union units

Vehicles: Armed Land Rovers that have been left by the retreating forces.

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