by Capt. RedWeasel. Mission date Tuesday 10th December 2024, 19:00 GMT
The FRF (Former Russian Forces) are once again on the move. They have been moved into the area of an abandoned airfield and are preparing for an Airborne Assault to take the city of Chernogorsk.
The FRF has accepted a contract to capture the city of Chernogorsk. They have moved into an airfield in preparation and are preparing to conduct an Air Assault to secure the city and expand their area of influence. They are in what appears to be in an Infantry Battalion Task Force (minus) configuration and are most likely operating in squad size units. From Intelligence and Recon Photos they have BRDM2s and transport trucks. It is assumed the C2 (Command and Control) element is located in the isolated northern two story building, identified with a Headquarters sign and a FRF flag located in front of it.
The FRF is expected to conduct an Air Assault in to the open fields north east of Chernogorsk to envelope the city. Once in the city they are expected to reinforce the built up area requiring a long and hazard-laden effort to dislodge them. We do not know why they are capturing the city, but Intel conjectures it has something to do with the warm water port and the large overhead cranes. It is expected they are planning for an early morning lift (0700 – 0730) to move on Chernogorsk.
Weather: Cool and partly cloudy with a light wind blowing to the East. No precipitation expected for the next 24 hours.
Terrain: Rolling hills with farmland and small urban areas, lightly wooded forests and farm lands having just been hayed.
TFA conducts a Hasty Attack on the FRF while in PZ posture at the air field to neutralize the threat and eliminate all enemy forces in our operational area.
This is an early morning attack, the intent is to be ready to strike prior to the FRF Air Assault into Chernogorsk. Operational Time Schedule: OPORD: 0620, Load Transport: 0630, Movement Start: 0640, Movement End: 0650, Attack Positions Established: 0655, Attack: 0700
TFA has occupied an Assembly Area and TOC at our current location Hear at the Airport. The Platoons have the land based vehicles located here to maneuver to the target area. The Platoon Leaders will decide what assets they want to use and how they will Find, Fix, and Destroy their assigned Targets. The FRF helicopters and air assault forces must be destroyed.
TFA will operate as Platoon Leaders direct in the effort to find, fix and destroy the FRF Air Assault Forces. Platoon Leaders will coordinate movement and attack plans with Spartan as they move through their sector.

Enemy Forces
The FRF is equipped with current Russian Weapons and Equipment. They are considered a well-trained force with combat experience. They have several BRDM2 and transport trucks, at least six (6) Mi-8 variant helicopters for movement of forces. They are expected to following traditional Infantry tactics. There is no known use of Mines of IEDs in the area.
Friendly Forces
The Chernogorsk Military Force is mobilizing, but due to recent activities they are lacking the forces to conduct a preemptive strike They have tasked TFA to immediately conduct a hasty attack to catch them on the ground prior to the start of the operation and eliminate the FRF occupying the air field area.
Mission of Next higher unit: The Chernogorsk Military Force conducts operations to consolidate and rearm and refit their broken forces. The Chernogorsk Military Intelligence Force (CMIF) will provide any updates to TFA as they become available.
TFA Equipment
ACE Arsenals are available. TFA MOD Pool is in effect.
Each Platoon is initially equipped with an M1097 respawn vehicle and two (2) Husky vehicles available vicinity of Assembly Area. The Reinforcement Flag Poles will move platoon members to the Platoon Leaders M1097.
Rations: MRE, Meal 04 – Spaghetti with Beef and Sauce.