Past OpOrds

The Alamo

by Pvt. Sheepdog. Mission date Tuesday 17th December 2024, 19:00 GMT


So, our last mission here did not go to plan. Whilst Alpha managed to find and extract the HVT, Hotel were ambushed and are trapped in a remote town surrounded by enemy forces. MBTs, BTRs, Technicals, infantry – you name it, it’s heading their way.

The African Union has agreed to maintain security at the airbase, alongside some NATO troops who have been dropped in to assist, until Hotel can be retrieved.


Current intel indicates the first wave of the main OpFor invasion force is a mere ten minutes away from Hotel’s location. There are probably also pockets of bad guys surviving between there and the airport.


Alpha platoon: Saddle up on the two Bradleys that arrived as part of the NATO care package and go rescue Hotel.

Hotel platoon: Hold until relieved, and try not to die.


Expect the usual insurgent assortment of ex-Soviet and Chinese equipment, and everything from Technicals with HMGs and/or rocket pods to BTRs and MBTs.

Mine threat/IEDs: Possible but unknown. The African Union may have left behind little surprises as they withdrew.

QRF: Definitely!

TFA Equipment

Loadouts: Mixture left behind by the retreating African Union units

Vehicles: Alpha: 2x Bradleys, Apache AH-64 – pilot and gunner required, Landrover respawn vehicle
Hotel: Their two surviving Landrovers

QRF: None, we cannot count on the African Union for back up.

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