Past OpOrds

Escape From Hades, Remix

by Cpl. Ray. Mission date Tuesday 7th January 2025, 19:00 GMT

Back Story: On 14 June 2022, I ran a mission for Gunz called Escape From Hades. Due to lack of Zeusing experience, I wasn’t able to provide an incident free game for everyone. I want to revisit this mission and throw a few turns into it, hence the Remix.


Over the Christmas break that TFA so richly deserved, three members of Hades squad, Gunzablazen, Pritch and Nels, took the opportunity to travel to Chanarus to visit the town of Novy Sobor, that they lovingly called Hobobgoblin, to find an establishment to start the Hotel Bar and Grill. While visiting the town, the three were taken hostage by an unknown group and sent to Sahrani, where they are being held in a prison camp notoriously called Hades Prison.


The prison camp is being run by the Ardistan Army, and the island is heavily defended. Expect heavy resistance from the forces in the region. Local Sahrani resistance fighters have several of their compatriots in the prison as well. Their fate is unknown. The Sahrani resistance have asked us to free their friends in exchange for further assistance.


TFA will depart the island off the northeast coast and follow the arrows on the map to a landing site (LZ Gunny) where vehicles are waiting. Insert will be by an Mi-8.

At LZ Gunny, TFA will proceed to the prison camp and attempt a rescue of the TFA members and the Sahrani resistance fighters being held. At mission time we should know how many Sahrani resistance fighters are being held there.

Once the prison has been secured, proceed to the airfield on the small Sahrani island where 3 DC-3s are being maintained.

Destroy any Ardistan resistance to your escape by any means.

Ground Topography: High hills and mountains.

Weather: Partly sunny.


Opposition Forces: Ardistan Army

Enemy Forces Equipment: Older Soviet era weapons and equipment. Multiple BDRM-2UMs & T-55As

QRF: Mi-8 transports with paratroops

EOD/Mines: unknown

Friendly Forces: Sahrani resistance fighters are in the area, but will stay clear of TFA operations.

ROE: As per OC’s directions.

TFA Equipment

Transportation: Insert by Mi-8 / Ural 4320 Troop Transports / UAZ-3151 (Respawn Vic)

Loadouts: G27s & 28s / Mk-48 LMG (7.62x51mm)

CAS: Unavailable.

Communications: SOP will be followed.

Ammo: mixed

Rations: None. Meals were lost in transit

Mission Failure: Failure to escape Sahrani without the 3 TFA hostages, and/or death of any Sahrani
resistance members being held at the prison camp. (Exceptions will be given for Arma oopsies)

Any questions, please direct them to Cpl. Ray!

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