
Aero Rescue

by Maj. Nez. Mission date Tuesday 14th January 2025, 19:00 GMT


Here is an update on our search for The Fox.

After successfully deactivating a nuclear device, the SOCOM Commander has sent us to get medically cleared from possible radiation exposure. We are now back after a clean bill of health, and we are picking up our fight. The Fox has been a step ahead of us and we need to change this quick.


Our mission tonight is rescuing our Informant that helped us get on this island. How he was discovered is not known, but his life is at risk and we need to find him and get him out of the country.

Our informant is wearing Overalls with reflectors and a hardhat.

Reminder: we are also missing an Army Ranger from a Recon Squad from our Takistan mission.

Both Platoons will have 2 objectives to deal with before the final assault to find the Informant (Aero). Demo work will be needed for both platoons. Bocachico is the last known city Aero was in.


Isla Pera – Night, Fog and Cloudy

Mine/IED Threat: Possible

Friendly Forces: None. Missing Army Ranger is possibly on island but unconfirmed. The Civilian Informant we are rescuing.


Enemy Forces

Local Island Defense force equipped with Russian weapon and gear. Expect light and medium armor vehicles.

TFA Equipment

Loadouts: Preset loadouts with a limited arsenal.

Transportation: Olive MRZR. Hotel: Desert MRZR.

Respawn: MH-60L Blackhawk (Each Platoon has back up if needed)

Mission fail: Our informant killed outside of an Arma bug

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